Snapshot in Time

Our production is over!
What fun we had creating our caterpillar and butterfly dance.
What fun we had sharing our caterpillar and butterfly dance.
Did you see the show?
There will be a DVD to purchase at school soon. Maybe you might like one to keep as a memento.
Now look at some of our photos getting ready for the show and on stage!

NZ at the Olympics!

Our Amazing Kiwi Athletes on PhotoPeach

The Three Legged Cat by Margaret Mahy

Otto was off to London. What will he see and do?

Otto off to the Olympics on PhotoPeach


It is the time of Matariki, the Maori new year. The stars of the seven sisters can be seen in the sky. Listen to the legend of how the seven stars came to be.

The story of Matariki


What do we see in these photos?
Talk about colours.
Talk about shape.
Talk about features.
Share your ideas.

WALT... think about Autumn leaves!

We played in leaves
We felt leaves
We scrunched leaves
We sketched leaves
We brainstormed words about leaves
We wrote poems about leaves

Share our writing on our Writers' Window blog.


What do you know about caterpillars and butterflies?
Can you write and illustrate what you know ... to share with others?
How can we find out more?
Look at the butterflies on the plants in the garden, said Ztivi .
Read some books, said Maia T. Go to the library.
Google caterpillars and butterflies, said Joshua.
Ask someone, said Isabella.

When you have done this we will make a movie to share what we have found out.


We are learning to find what needs water to live.

Off to Tauranga harbour we went and explored the sandy shore. We found so many different sea creatures.

A play on the playground and sausages for lunch made our trip lots of fun.

Look at our story.

Tauranga harbour visit.

Did you see our Duathlon? Look and see. Swim and run!

We are talking about water safety. Listen to the tips for at the beach!

What do you want to learn?

What do you want to learn?
Let's learn lots together in Room 8.
I want to learn to...
get my writing right, said Jade K.
write big words like New Zealand, said Maia T.
know more about Max and what people write about him, said Isabella.
do counting in maths, said Connor.
know maths from 100 to 1000, said Joshua.
practice painting and dye, said Charlotte R.
do more games on the blog because some games I can't do, said Maia L.
take away numbers in maths, said Christian.
do numbers and equals in maths, said Charlotte G.
read big books, said Dylan.
do different games on the computer, said Montana.
know how to play games easily, said Journey.
learn maths, said Jane.
know how to paint on the computer, said Alizaye.
make good printing, said Joseph.
know how to do more games on the computer, said Manawa.
read more, said Simranjot.
do more art, said ZtiviLye.
spell words, said Dawn.
do more word games on the computer, said Neva.
know how to count backwards, said Lucy.

Can you count to100? Practice counting.